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Delivery & Returns

Our commitment to you does not end at delivery! If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase within 14 days of your receipt date, you may return any unused merchandise for a refund, note that you may be charged for shipping and clearance fees upon return. To be eligible for return & refund, the items must be in their original purchase condition, not worn for hygiene reasons and include all product documentation.

Order arrived damaged or incomplete ? ZAMAN Jewelry is no more responsible of the item once it is shipped, for more information contact us.
Who handles the return fees? Duties, taxes and shipping fees are handled by the client when returning an item.
Who is responsible for returning duties and taxes once payed? ZAMAN Jewelry is not responsible for returning duties and taxes in the client's country. To receive a refund for your duties and taxes, you will need to go through your local customs office as this fee is paid to the country of import.
How do I get shipping label? You must contact our customer service to send you the return label that should be included in the package.
When do I receive the money? Receiving the refund can take up to 15 working days.
How can I return an item? You've got 14 days to return anything you don't want to keep. Just let us know what you are returning by clicking here and we will send you a shipping label to attach to
your package. The cost of the return label will be deducted from your overall refund, we are not responsible for returning duties and taxes.
Can I refund a gift ? Items that were given to you as a gift, can only be refunded to the buyer.